Big Brute Espresso Maker Pro
The Big Brute Espresso maker Machine is not only an espresso machine, but also a cappuccino and latte machine. The milk steamer makes this coffee machine versatile and practical in making any , and all of your favorite hot beverages.
Voltage: 220V/60Hz
Rated Power: 1350watts
Rated Pressure: 15 Bar
The Big Brute Espresso maker Machine is not only an espresso machine, but also a cappuccino and latte machine. The milk steamer makes this coffee machine versatile and practical in making any , and all of your favorite hot beverages.
Relax and enjoy a solitary hot beverage or make multiple drinks to enjoy with others, all done fast and efficiently. Make your mornings better with this product!
Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine, 15 bar professional Italian pump, with 1350w powerful pressure to extract coffee, which enables the coffee to release the best flavors. makes it easy to form beautiful coffee crema and a smooth taste.
Frothing milk for cappuccino and latte by hot steam wand. The steam wand rotate 360 degress, which can produce silky and smooth milk foam better. The professional frothing wand mixes steam and milk in order to create a rich, dense and creamy froth for every drinks.
With an accurate temperature control system, the temperature of water and the taste of milk foam, foam, coffee and milk can be adjusted to achieve the ideal state.
The clear thermostat can be observed for temperature changes, visualized operation, suitable for beginner coffee lovers as well as professional ones.
The portafilter has a double-layer filter and a double-cup splitter, which can make two cups at once.
What you get: 1xEspresso Machine, 1xPortafilter, 1xFunnel, 1xManual.(Glass cup is not included).
Should not exceed the max line. the water tank can be removable. The water level should not exceed the max line.
Tips: Wipe the residual water on the volume on the back of the machine before re-installing the water tank.
Coffee Powder Precautions:
Do not exceed the max line. A spoonful of coffee is about 7g powder. When making coffee you can put 2 tablespoons of powder.
Do not push the coffee powder to hard, or the water will leak from the edge of the funnel.
Removable Cup Holder.
The bottom of the machine is a movable cup holder. Small and large coffee cups can be use in this machine.
If your cup is too tall or large, you can remove the cup holder at the bottom of the machine.
Milk Foaming Precautions:
Make sure to fill the pump with water to boil, so release the steam. it may release hot water at first, then release the steam.
For better milk foam effect, it is recommended to fill the pitcher with milk and insert the frothing nozzle into milk about 1-2cm.
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